Going Through Chaos To Building Peace: 2016
Wowzer! 2016 has been a challenging year for our community as well as our nation. Do you feel like current events is just non-stop bad news? It can be like a wet blanket that falls over us, or that rain cloud that never quite goes away.
The air is rich with news about the recent flooding in Louisiana where nearly 500,000 people were affected, police shootings, both locally and nation-wide, the presidential election, and the Facebook Wars that are a result of so many varied opinions. It’s probably affecting us all more than we know because it’s been so long since we didn’t have a stream of bad news coming at us 24-7.
Let’s start today to focus our thoughts on the inspiration for peace, hope and a better tomorrow. Martin Luther King Jr. said, “I have decided to stick with love. Hate is too great a burden to bear.”
De-Polarizing The World
Our community and our nation has become more polarized this year. That divides us into two groups and divided we can’t stand. We can’t stand up to the anxiety and the stress. We can’t stand up for changing what’s wrong into what’s right.
At PTI we’re about focusint on how to reduce the stressors that affect us all. Appropriately addressing our respective stressors allows us to live life on our terms. People matter and deserve to be treated right no matter who they are. This is our community and we care for it. This is our nation, and as broken as many of our systems may be, we still love it and want to fight for it.
We cannot stay silent. Martin Luther King Jr. said, “Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” Many people in our area lost everything in the Historical Flood of 2016. You matter. You are not alone. We are here to help address the tidal wave of emotions that remain as we start life anew since the water has subsided.
Louisiana is known for Gumbo! Gumbo is a combination of spice, meats, vegetables, and some good old fashioned TLC that warms your heart on a cold day. We’re all part of what makes this a great community…we are the ingredients to the Gumbeaux that makes Louisiana a great state.
We’re better together. Let’s rebuild together. We’re here to help navigate the path forward.
Give us a call today.