Is Psychological Testing For Me?

There are many reasons why psychological testing can be helpful. Some of which include clarification of uncertain clinical presentations, identification of barriers inhibiting your best performance, and assessment of your abilities in different settings.

The PTI offers psychological testing to help a broad range of people in a variety of circumstances, regardless of age or occupation. What follows are three types of situations wherein psychological testing can be used to improve an individual’s quality of life:

  1. A child is struggling in school, due to poor grades and/or behavioral problems. Learning disability testing could identify the root of the child’s struggles and allow those issues to be addressed by an academic social worker. The child’s school can administer learning disability tests, but that can be a lengthy process if the problem is affecting the child now, psychological testing will help to isolate child’s issue so he or she can receive assistance as promptly as possible.
  2. An employee is having trouble on the job. Psychological testing can be utilized to identify the employee’s job performance challenges. A host of tests are available to assess workplace issues, and help to ensure employees receive the help they need to meet their professional potential.
  3. For employees in administrative positions, hiring new employees can be overwhelming and stressful. Pre-employment psychological testing can be very helpful in evaluating a candidate’s fitness for a position and establishing a positive mental health environment in the workplace for both administrators and staff.

After analyzing your test results, The Post-Trauma Institute can help you find solutions for your personal, professional, or academic challenges. We explain your test results in a family friendly environment and help you to build a plan of action around your individual needs.

The PTI helps our clients, big and small, to be the best they can be. Contact PTI at (225) 751-5412 or click below to make an appointment with PTI today.

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